How to Stop Itching After Shaving Beard

A beard is one of the best things a man can have. But not all men see it that way. If you’re one of those men who don’t appreciate this gift, then you tend to shave your beard frequently.

If so, you may be struggling with the itching problems that come after shaving.

Even if the itching doesn’t last that long, it is still a problem since a lot of men tend to shave up to two times a week. Some might shave even more frequently since their beard grows faster than average.

You’d be surprised how many men suffer from this issue. Luckily for you, we have put a tremendous effort into finding a solution, and eventually, we did find one.

In this article, you will fully understand what is causing this problem as well as the means to prevent it from happening again.

Why Do I Get the Itching?

beard itch

To make sure we’re on the same page, getting the itching after shaving is perfectly normal. What you need to know is that your skin is the home to a healthy bacterium called the Staphylococcus aureus.

Your hair follicles are very sensitive, once you’re done shaving, there’s a high chance that they get irritates, and as a result, they get inflamed.

Once they’re inflamed, they can result in the contamination of the natural flora of the skin. And this, my friends, is one of the possible origins of Folliculitis, which represents itchy skin after a shave.

In extreme cases, the contamination of the natural flora of the skin can provoke the skin to develop red bumps.

Another reason behind this itching is that the gel you’re using isn’t right for you. Don’t get tempted by the tv commercials, some gels contain way too much alcohol, and once you use it, it dries out your skin and makes it red, itchy, and tight.

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It highly unlikely, but the itching could be an allergic reaction to some of the ingredients and fragrances.

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How to Choose the Best Itching Products

Choosing the products is crucial, as we mentioned above, your itching could be an allergic reaction to one of the ingredients, or your skin is being dried out by the massive amount of alcoholic in the gel you’re using.

But fear not, many companies have heard your desperate cry for help and have come to your aid. After research, they have concluded that only natural products will fix the itching coming from harmful products. And so, they have provided us with shaving creams that contain natural ingredients from glycerine, Aloe Vera, vitamin E, and natural oils.

Leave no Trace of the Shaving Cream on Your Skin

itching after shaving beard

Shaving gel is designed to make it easier to shave the beard and to temporarily protect the skin during the process. But it isn’t intended to stay there for long; this is the thing most men don’t pay attention to, if some of the gel stays on your skin it can cause the skin to dry out.

And if this happens, guess what? You get that annoying itching we’ve been talking about. You want to prevent that from happening, well simple, make sure not a single drop of that gel stays on your face.

When you’re done, and it’s time to dry your skin, do it slowly and carefully like you’re petting a cat. Your skin is sensitive, and you should treat it accordingly. Or you’ll only make it worse.

Razor Can Also Be a Cause to the Itching

Inexperienced men can cut themselves easily with the razor, even experienced shavers sometimes make such mistakes, and when they do, they get what we call a razor burn or rash. Razor burn will make your skin hot, sore, and red, alongside incredible itching. Keep a close eye if you get a razor burn, it might cause some severe symptoms.

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The solution to this is obvious, merely change your razor to a better one that fulfills your needs.

Also, try to use more gel than you used to, it helps in some instances.

Moisturize More

Both the skin and the hair need their oils to maintain their natural form and flexibility. Unfortunately, the shaving gel absorbs those oils causing the skin to dry out.

To prevent this from happening, specific measures must take place.

One of the popular solutions to this problem is applying pre-shaving oil just before you start shaving.

The role of these oils is to protect the skin and keep it moist; they also prevent the razor from pulling and make sure it glides off.

When the whole process of shaving is done, we advise you to apply an aftershave lotion. It acts as an astringent to reduce skin irritation as well as cleaning out any cuts.

Wait for the Right Moment to Shave

It is crucial to wait for the right moment to shave. Many men shave before showering, and once they’re done, they get into the shower. And that isn’t healthy.

The hot water affects the skin, making it ready to be shaved, and the hair by softening it. When these changes take place, the process of shaving becomes so much more comfortable, and the chance of getting cut or itching decreases significantly.

That’s why you should shave a soon as you finish showering, or during the shower as long as that your skin has made enough contact with warm water.

You Simply Can’t Shave Without a Shaving Gel

Shave Without a Shaving Gel

Shaving gel should be a red line that no men should touch during shaving. You can’t just shave without one.

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Even though we mentioned that some products might contain enough alcohol to cause itching, but that doesn’t mean you should ditch every gel you have and just use water.

Even though some people have had excellent results in water and soap, it’s always recommended that you keep trying different products until you find that one that suits your needs.

A piece of advice, if you put on a particular area, then you pass the razor on that area, but you noticed it wasn’t fully shaved, in that case, re-apply gel and shave again.

Pay Attention to Which Shaving Direction is Best

There are two ways you can shave, either with the grain or against it, so which one is better?

Shaving against the grain can give the power to cut off hair very close to the skin, but it also increases the risks of razor cuts and skin irritation.

However, shaving with the grain gives you a more comfortable shave but doesn’t have the same risks, so it’s apparently the winner here.

Using the Right Strokes

There’s a common mistake many men make is that trying to finish shaving as quickly as possible.

This increases the chance of getting cuts; we must always leave enough time for shaving.

Also, you should always use shot and light strokes because doing so ensures that you’re gentle on the skin. If you go for one of those long strokes, at some point you’d have to apply more pressure, and you may cut yourself.

One last thing, don’t forget to wash the razor between strokes.


The different factors can contribute to the itching after shaving, so when you get it, don’t worry about it because it’s a normal and an everyday thing.

Just take the necessary precautions, and you‘ll be fine.