A Guide on How to Use a Safety Razor

Using a safety razor to shave is a must-do practice for most men these days even some women cannot do without it. Whether it is your pubic hair, beard, or the ones on your leg, a safety razor is something you would want to opt for due to many reasons. But first, let’s take a look at the how of using a safety razor so you don’t cut yourself the next time you happen to handle one.

How to Use a Safety Razor

How to Use a Safety Razor

Make sure your razor is very sharp

If you have used a razor before and you intend to use it again, do make sure it is very sharp and clean or you can opt for a new one instead. This prevents razor burn as a result of skin irritation.

Put your safety razor in place

Your safety razor most likely won’t come without a head and a handle for it to fit right into. Once you get your hands on a very sharp blade or a new one as the case may be, open the head of the razor handle and properly fix it at the right angle and be sure it is tight.

Moisturize the area you intend to use the safety Razor on

Whether it is your beard, your leg, armpit, or any part of your body you intend to shave, getting the area moisturized will soften the hair and therefore make your shaving routine an easy one. You may choose to use warm water or shaving cream or gel. Alternatively, you may decide to shower before you eventually shave. This is necessary as it will prevent you from getting cuts while shaving.

Get your Razor wet

Insert your razor in water always throughout the shaving process, you can use warm water or hot one if you like just make sure your shaving stick in constantly going into the water. This is very important as it will reduce friction between your skin and the back and forth movements of your sharp razor blade. It will also help to remove the hair and any other dirt that may get caught in between the blade and the head of your shaving stick.

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Position your safety razor at an appropriate angle

Position your safety razor at an appropriate angle

Shaving is easy, but it becomes even easier when you know which angle your blade should be at during the shaving process. Position your blade at approximately 30 degrees to the surface of your skin, this is to make sure you don’t have any cut resulting from the shaving plus you will be able to shave at a closer range at this angle.

Make sure your blade movement is in sync with the direction of your hair formation

Our hair grows in different directions, and knowing that pattern is very important before you even begin to shave. Try as much as you can to shave in the same direction your hair grows. This may not chop off as many hairs as you would want it to, but be sure you are less likely to get a skin cut or several for that matter.

Flow with the weight of your razor

I hope you are not addicted to the popular adverts on safety razors and shaving sticks out there that promote shaving using long continuous strokes yet. If you are already I hope you haven’t been practicing it, because if have there is a good chance you may have hurt yourself pretty badly several times.

The small gentle strokes are ideal for your shaving routine and make sure to exert force on your skin while doing it. Simply let the razor do a kind of free flow, allow the weight of your razor to do the job and at the end of it, the result will be just great.

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Hold your skin for easy razor movement

When you are shaving, it is always easier to move your blade back and forth if you simply hold and stretch the area you intend to shave. This will help with the smooth movement of your blade while you shave.

Watch out for the areas you are likely to get cut

Whenever you want to use your safety razor, always be on the lookout for those areas that you will likely get cut from when shaving. These are usually the contoured areas on your face like the region between your beard and your neck and under your lower lip. Take your time while shaving this region because you are these regions are very prone to cuts if you are not careful. Aim for a number of chops instead of a single chop all at once.

Repeat the process again and again

Our hairs grow differently, and air thickness differs too. While using a safety razor, make sure you repeat the process as many times as you can even sometimes shaving against the direction of your hair (you should be careful when your blade is in the opposing direction of your hair, you can easily get cut if proper caution is not taken) to obtain a very clean shave in the end.

Now that you have learned how to use a safety razor, I believe a little daily maintenance routine will do you one better if happen to know how to.

First off, it is a common knowledge that metals have never been a good fan of water unless they are coated and since already know your safety razor is also metallic you will do the blade a great deal of good if you can do the following as soon as you are done shaving.

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Wash the blade thoroughly in water

Well, I hope you are not thinking of soap and a sponge right now. You can achieve a hair clog-free safety razor by simply putting it into the water and swirl it around for as many times as you can.

Alternatively, you can also use your old toothbrush to wash off any form of grime on your razor. Open the head of your shaving stick, remove the cover, and carefully use the toothbrush to remove hair on them.

Keep it moisture-free

You can achieve this by simply using a piece of cloth to clean it from inside out and then apply alcohol to prevent rust.

Well, this seems to be the end of the road on this, but there is more and I bet you know why? Because this is a daily thing and you may have to live with that for… don’t let me say it. Just make sure you take care of your safety razor each time you use it.


The use of safety razors by most men and women has turned to routine, as they use it in shaving hairs on some part of their bodies. Using a safety razor requires that you handle it with care, and shave correctly, in order to prevent injuries and some infections on your skin. Using sharp razors, moisturizing your skin, wetting your blades, and positioning the blades at an appropriate angle, are some ways that you can effectively shave your hair while using safety razors.

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