How to Grow Beard on Cheeks – A Complete Guide

Beards – top among features – that speaks of masculinity. It is also widely believed that beards portray confidence, strength, and wisdom. Findings show that bearded men are considered more attractive than their smooth-faced counterparts.

Largely, the fuller – and thicker – your facial hairs, the more women find you attractive. So, almost every guy loves to grow beards. Sadly, beards don’t come by mere wishes – a lot has to be done.

Still struggling to get a good beard without any significant result?

No worries – and don’t give up yet. Here are essential tips and tricks that’ll help you step up your beard game. But before we delve into the in-thing, let’s check out the Four-Week Beard Growth Challenge.

The Four-Week Beard Growth Challenge

How to Grow Beard on Cheeks

If you can’t wait four weeks for results, then this guide is not for you – thanks for reading this far.

For us left, let’s see the Four-week Beard Growth Challenge. Remember, you need some patience and tolerance on this journey. While the itching and irritation might make you want to back out, a little more persistence will be worth it in the end.

Week One

In the first week, your facial hair may not look smooth and silky –Most times, it is the opposite. The hair follicles open up the first week.

Week Two

The next week, your hairs begin to sprout in patches, leaving your face with scraggy hairs like a messed up jungle. Well, it’s only the second week, so don’t feel bad if they’re still not as expected. Don’t trim –keep hope alive.

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Week Three

You’d soon see progress – by the third week. This should keep you motivated. By now, you have crossed enough hurdles and a stone throw from your destination –It’s only a few days away. You’d soon feel how it feels to trim and style your beard.

Week Four

Here’s the least challenging of all the weeks – the week of reward for your patience. Your thicker and fuller beard is right here.

If you genuinely wish to grow full and thick beards, this four-week wait should bring your desired look

Tips to Grow Beard on Your Cheeks

Grow Beard on Your Cheeks

Well, the four-week isn’t the actual challenge– there are a lot of things that make this wait a worthy one: let’s discuss them – briefly:

  • Eat Right

You – and your beards – are what you eat. We’ve always been told to eat healthy to stay active and smart. Perhaps – like me – nobody ever mentioned your beards’ growth is determined by what you eat, too.

As soon as you change your meals to healthier options, you’d soon notice the effect on your beard’s appeal. Throw off all the junk from your meals and go after a healthy meal routine – with large portions of greens, veggies, and fruits.

Remember the entire body system functions based on the level of nutrients we feed it. There are a wide range of options to source for required nutrients –for both your general wellbeing and your beard’s.

Foods rich in Vitamins – A, B, C, D, E, and K – are a must-add to the list of nutritional requirements. These compounds help the body generate more DHT and testosterone hormones. Consistency with these vitamins result, ultimately,in silky and thicker beards.

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Proteins and minerals are next on the list of essential nutrients for a good beard. While these nutrients may not boost hair growth directly, they influence your hair texture and general appearance.

  • Less stress – More Exercise

Surprised? Yes, our everyday hustle and bustle can alter a lot of body functions. For men, stress is a primary enemy of birth growth. If you’ve found it difficult to grow some decent beards, you may consider incorporating some meditation and exercise sessions to your daily routine – to relief stress

Stress and anxiety leave you tensed and makes it difficult for hair to pass through the follicles. So, as you plan out your health diets, remember a workout routine has as much relevance.

Nobody says an intensive 4-hourgym session– 30 minutes of mild exercises, or simply walking, is healthy enough.

Avoid stress as much as possible, as it has a significant effect on your beard’s growth. Inadequate rest can hinder your four-month beard challenge result. Routine exercise does magic to your beards.

Study reveals that physical activities help increase testosterone and DHT hormones in the body. These hormones are primarily responsible for beard growth. The higher these hormones are produced, the faster your beard growth.

  • Beard Oil

You will need a beard oil handy during your four weeks’ beard challenge. Even if the desired result comes after the challenge, you still need it afterwards. The oil helps to dehydrate and nourish both your skin and beards, leaving it soft and smooth. Without the oil, you may end up with hard and itchy beards. During your four-week challenge, ensure you opt for oils that aid hair growth.

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There are several of such hair growth enhancers in the market. Remember to rub the oil on your cheeks if you desire beards there too. Spread the oil on every part of your beards, to avoid those annoying unequal growth patches.

  • Grooming

After your four-week challenge has yielded good results, you need some grooming. Here, you’d need a good trimmer – as well as a beard comb.

Trimming your beards for that cute look is whole fantastic art in itself. You must ensure you bring down any stray hair and that the whole process goes with a stroke of perfection.

If you have not had that much experience to handle a DIY trimming, no worries, you could visit any expert barbershop for a professional cut.

When it comes to grooming, you’ re hopeless without a trimmer – the most important tool in a man’s grooming arsenal.

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